
Regular copy editing

Our regular copy editing service contains a very precise analysis with comments on all levels of your literary text. Your script will be assessed word by word by dramatic and stilistic aspects, so concrete hints for further work on your text can be given.

Analysis on all levels of your script

Annotations and suggestions we are giving while copy editing are marked directly at the respective passages of your text and can also be given to you as an extensive compilation of annotations, also containing general hints and suggestions for revising your script. Now you have time to revise your script and decide on which suggestions you want to implement. After your revision is complete you send us the script again for a second stage of copy editing. Here we will give you further hints concerning the implementation of our suggestions after reviewing your script again.

Regular copy editing contains comments on:

    •    Plot
    •    Time levels
    •    Narrative perspective
    •    Narratives
    •    Suspense
    •    Narrative pace
    •    Dialogue structure
    •    Character design
    •    Motifs
    •    Linguistic style
    •    Reader engagement

Comprehensibility of our comments is an important point in our copy editing service. Therefore you are invited to contact us any time with your questions concerning the implementation of our suggestions.

Optional proofreading according to Duden-recommendations

On request regular copy editing also contains final proofreading of the script. Being a member of the branch association of freelance copy editors (VFLL) our proofreading is based on the recommendations in the 25th edition of „Duden“.
If you want to get to know us and our work personally you are invited to visit us at our Berlin Prenzlauer Berg office by prior arrangement.

Procedure >>


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