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Portrait Björn Kaps

Björn Kaps

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Studied Germanistik and Literaturwissenschaft at Universität Bielefeld and at University of London (Graduated with distinction).

After studying Björn Kaps worked as a Journalist before he started working as a self-employed freelance copy editor and writer in 2007.

Björn Kaps is a member in the Verband Freier Lektorinnen und Lektoren (VFLL) and in the „Deutsche Germanistenverband“.

Portrait Eva Ruth Wemme

Eva Wemme

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Studied Germanistik, Rumänistik, Philosophie and Musikwissenschaft at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

After four years as dramaturg at Schauspielhaus Chemnitz Eva Ruth Wemme is now working as copy editor, author and translator. Among those translated by her are renowned authors such as Mircea Cartaresu, Nora Iuga and Ioana Nicolaie.

As an author she received the Rotraud-Danker-Literary-prize in 2008 and the renowned scholarship by „Literarisches Colloqium Berlin (LCB“) as well as the Alfred-Döblin-Scholarschip in 2010.

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