
Proofreading Publishers

Our proofreading service is a very careful check of your script for spelling-, grammar- and punctuation mistakes.

We offer you a professional proofreading for all german texts. Being a member of the association of freelance copy editors (VFLL) our proofreading is based on the recommendations in the 25th edition of „Duden“

proofreading contains revision of:

  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Grammar
  • Syllabification

Optional copy editing

In case you are unsure whether a script should be proofread of copy edited we offer to counsel you and to give you an independent assessment on which form of editing is to be recommended.

We invite you to ask us any questions concerning copy editing, proofreading or our other services on the phone or to get to know us personally at our Berlin office.

Procedure >>


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