
Copy editing Publishers

We copy edit sensitively as well as in a target- and cost-oriented way together with your authors: Hand in hand in a trusting atmosphere we prepare the script for publication.

Two separate stages of copy editing

In the first stage we develop suggestions for basic dramatic problems regarding plot, characters, suspense etc. Of course our copy editing service pays full attention to the abilities and conditions for implementation of our suggestions by the author and adapts the suggestions accordingly.

After the first stage of copy editing is finished and the author had time to implement all suggestions we will examine the changes and give stylistic advice in a second stage.

Personal supervision of your authors

Of course there are different possible approaches for copy editing, for example a solely stylistic editing of your script or a combination of copy editing and final proofreading of the text.

Our copy editing service contains all narrative levels:

  • Dramatic (plot, narrative perspective, suspense)
  • Characters (character psychology and typology)
  • Linguistic style (dialogue structure, individualisation of character speech, general stylistic revision)

Work samples copy editing

Please note that because of confidentiality we cannot provide you with a work sample from a past copy editing project. Instead we offer to demonstrate our copy editing service on a work sample created with a script of your choice.

We invite you to ask us any questions concerning copy editing, proofreading or our other services on the phone or to get to know us personally at our Berlin office.


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